In 2 Timothy 3:16 Paul refers to Scripture as “breathed out by God.” This is a verse we should memorize and cling to. But for many Christians, this might be the only proof that would come to mind. The issue of the authority and inspiration of Scripture is not just a topic to be debated by scholars, nor is it simply an apologetic issue to be defended against skeptics. This is a truth that shapes how we approach God and how we listen when He speaks.
This is a fallacy because nobody can state that the bible is true and people must follow whatever it says in the bible. People believe in the bible because they have their faith in the Holy Father. On the other hand, the contrasts and conflicts between the Bible and science make people cannot accept the Bible as what it is. Brady says, “God spake to the men who wrote the Bible,”(98) this is not true because God did not speak to anyone.
I was raised as a Christian all my life. In religion, you just have to trust God and his words. The bible was a message from God written by his apostles. You cannot explain all the miracles that happened because they came from above, but you need reason to understand God’s word. Our conscious is the voice of God.
Some researchers also realized it resembled the Old Testament, which was one of the Jews most prized possessions. It is also part of today’s holy bible. The Old Testament was from the Hebrew bible
There are clear statements that indicate the Bible is not only God breathed, but it is a whole and true document. The Rock not only mentions the Bible being God breathed, “Holy men of God, being moved by the Holy Spirit, wrote every word of Scripture, and it is divinely and uniquely inspired, being absolutely trustworthy in all matters of faith and conduct,” but it explicitly states that because all scripture is God breathed, “all Scripture in the original manuscripts are inerrant in that it conveys exactly what God wants us to know and is complete in it’s present form.” The Nicene Creed never once discusses the Bible nor it’s inerrancy. It is interesting to see that they left this out and also committed the idea that God spoke every word of the Bible and it was written by his holy
In John 14:25 Jesus tells his disciples of the Holy Spirit and that he is a part of God in them. God gives us the Holy Spirit to help tell us the truth of God and the world. Without the Holy Spirit we would not be able to have the truth of life on our sides. In this I believe that Genesis 1-11 is historically accurate because of the genealogy, places, how the New Testament points to the Old Testament and how God can reveal to us. Genealogy is something that is really important in a historical sense.
When talking about the bible it is not important to reach the conclusion on the conversation it is important to start the conversation. Interpretation of the bible needs to be an open mind. Some people are going to think differently of the bible than you; but you have to keep an open mind because there is no right or wrong answer. You also have to forget what everyone else is telling you about the bible to be able to have your view and interpret what you think of it with the opinion of other people. The bible does not only have one view and as Brueggemann states, “The Bible requires human interpretation which is inescapably subjective.”
I enjoyed very much all the good points mentioned in your discussion board regarding the Bible. I do believe that, it is important to learn the history, meaning and behind God’s plan for the Bible in our regular day lives. In the meantime, I would like to highlight the fact that, nevertheless, the Bible is all God’s Word, but, it is also good, in order to better appreciate, that Christians study other scriptures such as Old and New Testament, Gospel, the Psalms, Proverbs, Wisdom, and so forth. There are differences about the scriptures, for example, the Bible describes God’s word to us, whereas the psalms, are prayers written to God as poetry is set to music. As stated in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable
For the most part, the Bible itself was written by a few selected humans whom Dedarius, the Temporal God, had given the task of delivering a set of laws to Mortal Earth. He had hoped to give the Mortals ' lives purpose and most importantly, give himself control of Humanity. Most of the book 's scriptures were either omitted or rewritten to suit the needs of human leaders. Dedarius hadn 't anticipated free will, the gift given to all Mortal creatures by Aeon the Father and Creator of
In his book The Doctrine of the Bible, Dockery defines inerrancy stating, when all the factuality and information encompassing the Bible is recognized, the Bible in its inerrancy, seen with the correct lens is completely without error and is factual in all that it says. The Bible is true in all that it claims because the author who inspired the Bible is truth itself. Proverbs 30:5 proclaims that, “Every word of God is flawless: he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you are a liar.” As the Scripture testifies every word in the Bible is flawless and cannot be added to.
The Bible inspires billions of people around the world. Not only, does the Bible inspire people spirituality, but artistically as well. For instance, Dante’s Divine Comedy was inspired artistically by the Bible. It is a work of imagination and art rather than just one of religion and philosophy alone. The majority of the material in Dante’s Divine Comedy can not be supported by the Bible.
The Bible should be taken literally in regards to creation and providence. There is no room for explanations outside of which the Bible holds. God is not created. He is transcendent of his creation and time. God spoke everything into existence out of nothing.
Scripture is self-attesting, due to the fact that God is sovereign. His words have been declared in Scripture. Therefore; since it is Spirit led then one can truthfully say that Scripture is written, inspired, and approved by God. The entire Word of God gives multiple verses of Scripture that show God’s commandments and words, thereby, showing the evidence within its pages the truth of scripture. Self-attesting renders God’s Word an absolute truth.
Instead it can give us insight in a metaphorical way as to way the world and man were created by God. If we can understand that the bible’s purpose is not to give us factual accounts of the world, we can let go of asking how it was possible and concentrate on
The bible is what helps keeps our faith alive as it contains a rich amount of history that tells us of God’s revelation and the ways how our faith works. Although the bible contains numerous works of different people, it is still a work of God that helps our faith remain constant and grow, as everything written was under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In some way, I was able to understand the value also of the other books, as before I did not really take interest of the other books included bible, aside from the likes of the Gospels, Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, and Proverbs. Nevertheless, I realized that the books are all part of the bible as each has a purpose to serve and stands as a testament to the infidelity of mankind, and of God’s unfailing love for