Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Words Analysis

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The central focus of this lesson is two-fold; the review and comprehension of Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Words and the incorporation of the concept of informational text. This lesson will reinforce the students’ comprehension and recognition of the Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Words through generalization and repetition. The pre-assessment of the Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Words will record each student’s level of mastery. Activities throughout this lesson segment will reinforce the Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Words in fun multimodal means while providing differentiation based on student needs. The standard for this grade specific task is NY ELA Common Core Reading Foundational Skills Standard K.3.c: Phonics and Word Recognition Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. c. Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does) (New York State Department of Education, 2012). …show more content…

Additionally, it will identify the appropriate level of scaffolding necessary. An anchor chart with identifying informational text elements will be reviewed and displayed to assist with the activation of or introduction of knowledge. The book Surprising Sharks by Nicola Davies will be read after activating prior knowledge. The students will be given the opportunity to identify the main topic of an informational text and retell key details while utilizing features of informational text. The standard for this grade specific task is NY ELA Common Core Reading Informational Text Standard K.2: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text (New York State Department of Education,