Domestic Abuse In Partners Case Study

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Mental Health: Domestic Abuse in Partners The 1975 and 1985 National Family Violence Surveys revealed that each year approximately 12% of married or cohabiting men and women in the United States engage in physical aggression against a partner, and approximately 3 to 5% engage in severe or life-threatening physically assaultive behaviors against a partner (Straus & Gelles, 1990). This behavior is known as Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence is a pattern of learned abusive behaviors as one uses to intimidate and gain power/control over another person. The abuse can be between intimate partners (e.g. spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, live-in partners–former live-in partners, parents, childrens) The outlook of this analysis will examine the research revolving domestic abuse within partners along with the connotation of the psychological abuse on the victim itself. In the first stage, domestic abuse is usually recognized as only physical (hitting or sexual force), but actually comes in various of forms such as verbal and emotional together is a form of psychological abuse. Following, domestic abuse can be seen being verbal with one another. The …show more content…

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