
Violence In Relationships Essay

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Violence in Relationships Could you imagine yourself or someone you love being in an abusing relationship? Just because it not occurring in your life does not mean that it is not occurring at all. Violence between intimate partners is a big subject that most overlook do to the fact that it is never spoken up about, most believe it is something that doesn’t occur often but that theory is completely wrong. More troubling than the fact that it occurs is why it occurs. The complex idea of an abusive relationship is hard enough to understand and reason with. Understanding how often it happens, what is considered abuse, why it happens and if gender differences play a role in the situation is extremely important.
Half a million women in …show more content…

Those who are abusers, on the other hand, do not see it as that. They believe they are doing no wrong. Reasons for someone abusing their partner has been associated with low socioeconomic status, substance use, mental illness, and poor parenting as a child. (Roberts, et al. 809- 817). Study shows that observing IPV a child increases the risk of later becoming a perpetrator, since boys who witness IPV are more likely to approve of violence due to the fact they believe that it will boost their reputation. (Hegarty, et al. 337- 349). A perpetrator is a person who carries out a harmful, or illegal act. Other reasons could be things such as attachment needs to their partner, their daily alcohol consumption, infidelity, being less educated and their personal experience of violence in his or her childhood. ( Djikanovic, et al. 728-734) . Actions that can be a tell as to if someone is a perpetrator is things such as aggressive behavior towards other men or female, depression and substance misuse. ( Novak, Smith, Sandberg 425- 436) . Studies have brought up amazing statistics that show how both men and women react to this situation, which is also a key part in understanding why it occurs since the reason it is occurring so frequently is because of the fact people are allowing

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