Domestic Abuse In Relationships Essay

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Introduction Maintaining a strong relationship between the partners in a relationship is a task which is not easy to maintain successfully. Several factors and incidents can occur which can cause partners in a relationship to quarrel. Most often, a serious problem that occurs in relationships is the abuse of the female by the male (Krahe, Schutze, Fritsche & Waizenhofer, 2000). Often times, the battered wife or girlfriend is the main focus of any investigations and often wins the hearts of many (Krahe, Schutze, Fritsche & Waizenhofer, 2000; Brennen, Hellerstedt, Ross & Welles, 2007). Many individuals often feel for the woman trapped in their relationships but when it comes to same-sex male relationships where one of the males is suffering from abuse, a different perception occur (Krahe, Schutze, Fritsche & Waizenhofer, 2000; Brennen, Hellerstedt, Ross & Welles, 2007). It appears that the full perception of domestic violence in same-sex male partners is generally ignored (Krahe, Schutze, Fritsche & Waizenhofer, 2000). Many homosexual males who are victims of …show more content…

Recent research has shown that despite many problems found involving the victims of abuse in male same-sex partners, there has been relatively no attention given. (Krahe, Schutze, Fritsche & Waizenhofer, 2000; Brennen, Hellerstedt, Ross & Welles, 2007). Domestic abuse is a crime no matter how minor it is compared to other crimes in the Criminal Justice system. As witnessed, the effects of not properly allowing a victim of any crime to recover can lead them traumatized and mentally unstable (Canali et al., 2014; Awefeso, 2010, Kertzner, 2001). The results of the mentally scared victims is that they can make irrational choices that may seem normal to them which often result in dire consequences (Awefeso,