Domestic Terrorism Research Paper

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Every day we hear about a mass shooting, or treats to our country. Out of sight out of mind until it happens to you or someone you know. On 9/11, millions of lives where changed and us as a country needed change, change for our futures protection. We learned that we needed to become more knowledgeable about terrorist methods, and how better to respond to such attacks. As a country involved in everyone else’s issues it brings attention to North America. I feel that we would be devastated if we were to be invaded, we say it can never happen to us but if countries rise together it is possible. How terrorist atackcan vary in form. Not justa threat of foreign terroist but domestic terrorism is a real threat as well. Most terrosist want to kill the …show more content…

Over this section, I will discuss what the treat is, and which departments are fighting on our borders. With over 7,000 miles of borders between Mexico and Canada, one can only cover so much land, rivers and seas. Reports from the Independent Center for Immigration Studies, estimate the number of illegal immigrants will grow by a half million people each year. If one wishes to enter the country they most poses a valid visa or working permit, for those unable to obtain one of those will do the most unbelievable acts to achieve access. Despite everyday criminals posing a challenge to arrest, illegals change everything. Police must adopt new procedures to rectify illegal immigration. International commerce is critical to America’s economy and illegal activities threaten our everyday lives and flood our streets with hate. Many agencies swear to protect us from everyday harm and guards our nation’s borders but two stand out. The first is the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) which emphasizes the importance of personnel, infrastructure, and technology, to secure our borders; as well as direct contact with Canada, Mexico, federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial partners to insure North America is safe. The second, (Figure 1- Border patrol and National guard patrol a section of fence) no others are closer to the front lines than Border Patrol Agents (CBP), with agricultural specialist, air and …show more content…

Some challenges such as Terrorist networks today are more dispersed and less centralized. They are more reliant on smaller cells inspired by a common ideology and less directed by a central command structure. In addition, Internet and media has enabled our terrorist enemies to communicate, recruit, train, rally support, proselytize, and spread their propaganda without risking personal contact. Our effective counterterrorist efforts, in part, have forced the terrorists to evolve and modify their ways of doing business. Our understanding of the enemy has evolved as well. The enemy we are confronting today in the United States is a transnational movement of extremist organizations, networks, and individuals. Not all acts of terrorism are from foreign groups, police officers are faced with 6 possible situations everyday.
1. Traffic stops. If the officer lacks prior knowledge of the suspect they are stopping, it could cause the radicle to enter into a heighten state and attack.
2. Residence visits. The visit may be routine, but the extremist may not view it as such, the officer is on the home turf and the home may be armed and fortified.
3. Rallies/marches. The risk to police usually comes not from the group holding the event but from counter protestors, often anarchists who hate the police and who also believe the best way to confront the demonstrators is through physical