Domestic Violence Against Women: A Case Study

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This study seeks to understand international law and domestic violence with focus on the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Domestic violence is very prevalent in Afghanistan with majority of targets being women and children. However the main focus in this research would be the women. Domestic Violence against women can be called domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering and family violence, furthermore it is a serious concern because not only is it a violent act committed against women, it also violates their human rights.
Tjaden & Thoennes (2000) defined domestic violence as rape, assault and stalking perpetuated by current and former dates, spouses and cohabiting partners.
The Office of Violence against Women (2007) defines domestic violence as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. It can happen to anyone regardless of race, age, religion, or gender. It can also take many forms, such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, economic and psychological abuse.
The UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women (1993) states that violence against women is a manifestation of …show more content…

Afghan women are subjected to an increasingly insecure environment. Women participating in public life face threats and harassment. In extreme cases, women have been killed for holding jobs that are seen to disrespect traditional practices or are considered un-customary. A woman being abused in the household is so prevalent and pervasive in Afghanistan that practically every woman will experience it in her lifetime. It has become a regular feature of women’s and girls’ lives in their health, their livelihoods, their access to social and cultural resources, and their educational

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