Don T Go Gentle Into That Good Night Analysis

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Between these three works, there are some similarities that all relate to one common theme. Each work’s theme is slightly different, but for the most part, they all relate to a theme along the lines of “Don’t go down with unfinished business.” In the poem, Don’t Go Gentle Into That Good Night, a theme is “Don’t go down without a fight.” As a general statement, the poem conveys fighting back, as if the people in the poem were under persecution, and they needed to fight back in order to live. The video clip has about the exact same theme because the characters in the clip are also facing persecution, and they will most certainly be wiped out if they do not fight back with all their might. In “Tuesdays With Morrie,” the theme is similar that Morrie doesn’t want to die without fighting, but this time, the character (Morrie) is fighting an illness, rather than other beings, and wishes to fight back nonviolently. So the theme would be similar to the …show more content…

The only thing that sets the three themes of these three works apart is the amount of violence that is included from what the characters are fighting back against. For example, in the video clip, the amount of violence that the characters use to resist the persecution is very high; but in “Tuesdays With Morrie,” there isn’t much violence directed at what is ailing Morrie. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night would have to be somewhere in the middle because of the very drastically different ways that the poem can be interpreted. Some people might say that it is closer to the violent end of the scale, while others may not quite agree with that opinion, and think that the poem doesn’t really have a violent stroke of color to it. Nonetheless, however different people feel about the amount of violence implied in the poem, it would still be able to fall in the category of works that share a common theme of “Don’t go down with unfinished