Donald Cowart Case Summary

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Imagine having been burned over 65-68% of your body. It would probably hurt right? On July 1973 Dax, an air piolet at the time, was injured in a propane gas explosion that took his life and took the life of his father and burned over 65% of his body that is more the two thirds of his body. Due to the accident he was left blind and unable to the use of his hands. For over 10 months Dax went under forceful treatment. Though out the massive pain of treatment he demanded t die on multiple o cations by refusing to consent on his treatments but turned down.
Donald Cowart’s physical pain during his treatment and recovery pain was “excruciating, far beyond the point I ever knew was possible” (Burt, Robert A. pg. 17). He was naïve to the fact that that type of pain could have been allowed to be endured. This could have been a reason he did not want to continue with his treatments and life. He was most likely past his breaking point. As he admitted trying to kill himself two or three times over his seven-year hospital stay (Burt, Robert A. pg. 21). How many of us can actually say we would have felt differently in his case?
Most people will never undergo the emotional and physical pain that Dax has over his lifetime due to the accident. He is no a blind and disabled man, that had once been extremely able bodies. His life has …show more content…

Dax’s ask the nurses to let him die but they ignore his request because they felt it should be up to the patient’s family to make a decision if the patient can’t reach a decision far as life or death situation. Then ask for a consent. Dax’s tried to get legal assistance involved but the nurses made sure that his wishes was not being granted. The nurses felt although Dax suffered a tragic event that happen to him and suffered pain he still have hope to enjoy a regular life just like everyone else. Nothing should stop him from doing anything that no one