
Donald Trump Persuasive Essay

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It is well known that for this year’s election Donald Trump is running for president. While some people do support him many claim he is unfit to be president because of his lack of government experience, his sexism, his racism, his immaturity, and his temperament. Trump has been known to say sexist this about his wives, his daughters, and women in general and he appears to have a closed mind to everyone who is not white and male. Trump uses fear mongering,violence and mockery to further his beliefs.
Since it is election season there are plenty of political cartoons out about both sides, and one particularly effective one is about Donald Trump, specifically about how he is racist, sexist, and violent and no one seems to hear it. In this three …show more content…

It is a big topic because this man is on national television saying these harmful things where kids and the people he is putting down can watch and hear. Trump is also running for president which some people might would take his words as credible and use them to put down or oppress others. It is also causing debate because some people agree with what he is saying and also believe the same things as he does, but others do not think that his aggressive and prejudiced words are ok and do not want to let a man like that be the head of the United …show more content…

The evidence for this is that the way it was written is in a way that would compel an individual to dislike the man getting away with the things that he says. This comic appeals to pathos, emotion, in that it uses strong language to describe what Donald Trump says. It also has pathos in that most people would be angry that a mean person to be president and that could cause anger. It uses ethos in that it is using Donald Trump, a presidential candidate, who is known for the things brought up in the comic about

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