Dr. Hutson Argumentative Analysis

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Tring to understand the events that happened, do to a religion stand point can become complex and extremely confusing. Dr. James Hutson, a Historian and chief in the Manuscript Division at the library of congress, discusses what rights are and what “a right” means. Dr. Hutson work and findings lead him to believe that giving ‘a right’ a definition was not logical but rather ‘a right’ was divided in to different categories. Dr. Hutson also talks about the founding father of the United States, which he says, had their actions greatly influenced by their believes and faiths. The right of being educated, or rather even having the right of education didn’t mean that the education was not influenced by the church. The church getting involved in the learning of masses was not something new but one example of it in the united states was the collage text books. The collage text books …show more content…

The 1800s were a time of development, less people were worried about their faith, yet the bible was still used a model for their daily life’s. Dr. Daniel Dreisbach a professor at American University said,” the bible was the most common book” back in the early years and in the beginning of the country nearly everyone had a bible, and many of the founders were involved in many bible projects. When looking in to the past rather than being loyal to their religion most people valued the bible, most of the time religion just separated people in groups. Dr. Dreisbach quotes, “generations of Americans look to the bible for a mode” of Government, power separation, duel process, and how a person should be. people used and still use the bible as a “moral compass”, to say that religion had immense influence in the history of America, it’ll be simpler to just say that religion and the bible lead many important people to become who they were, and made