Dr. Martin Luther King's Talk Cards

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The Talk Card Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used while giving his speech was his African American man card. Throughout his speech Dr. King made references to himself, and through all of these connections he displayed that he was African American, and the messages he communicated portrayed this Talk Card. During his speech, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., used multiple Talk Cards. He used his American card, as well as his African American card, his man card, southerner card, and his father card. I believe contributing these cards into his speech was so Dr. King was able to connect with his audience on a variety of levels. Not every person in the audience is an African American, a male, or a father, however everyone in the audience was American. Even if they could not …show more content…

The other cards Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. could have included into his “I Have a Dream” speech could have been his minister, husband, and son card. Dr. King used, and excluded, the right cards in his speech because if he would have played his minister card and appealed to the religious side of things he might have turned people off. Dr. King’s views on religion and the audience’s views may have been very different, and playing that card could have disconnected or turned away the audience. Adding this Talk Card could have changed the overall message because it could have turned it into a religious debate instead of political and social debate. King was not trying to tell people about God and how God wanted things to be, rather he was telling them how our country should work and how the people of our country should treat each other. The style of Dr. King’s liking in his speech was personal. He tried to connect with the audience by making eye contact during his speech, and he made his voice louder when talking about the important points throughout the