Dream Big Reward Card Benefits

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What’s the best way to motivate students to succeed academically,to get involved, and to be on time and in class?As a way to achieve these thing, EJMHS recently combined reward systems to simplify and improve the already in place systems. When doing this, the faculty involved in creating this new program, forgot some key things in their decision. As a high school students, it would be beneficial to all if EJHS kept the qualifying standards for the program, but returned to the Dream Big Reward Cards. The Dream Big Rewards cards were cards that gave students a free East Jordan High School would highly benefit from returning to the Dream Big reward cards because they motivate students, don’t require a set amount of time, and boost grades.
To begin, due to the fact the Dream Big reward cards are more motivational for High School students, East Jordan High School most switch back to it. One reason the Dream Big reward cards are more motivational because the rewards are more appealing to high schoolers. Most high schoolers aren 't interested in the activities currently being offered; students don 't get excited …show more content…

East Jordan High School must return to the Dream Big reward cards also because it doesn 't require time. The dream big cards don’t remove from class time because it’s not an event. The card don 't require anytime besides the time to pass them out in Edp. This is a key reason because many teachers are pressed by time to achieve the state-required curriculum. The dream big cards also don 't take ways from learning lab time or complicate the schedule . This is important because many students rely on the time given during learning lab to complete their homework and to also get help from teachers. Plus, it would eliminate the confusion of when and where it go on these activity days. Thus, benefiting the students, along with the teachers and faculty. Because the dream big reward cards don 't require any time, East Jordan HIgh School should return back to that reward