Student Self-Motivation And Theory

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2.4.2 Student Self-Motivation and Theory

As we mentioned in the problem statement part above self-regulatory attributes and self-regulatory processes influenced the strength of the learner’s self-motivation. Self-regulation is formerly from psychology and was defined by Bandura (1988) in terms of three forms of cognitive motivators including causal attributions, outcome expectancies, and cognized goals, each of which is based on its corresponding theory. Initial self-regulation scholars were concentrate on changing people 's dysfunctional behaviors such as aggression, addiction, and some other behavior problems in a healing world. Scholars now in education-related areas have gradually adopted the concept of self-regulation from psychology …show more content…

The model, which is an updated version with more detailed extensions of self-regulated learning components, includes two broad areas which are motivation and learning strategies. The motivation construct fits into the concept of precaution phase in the self-regulation cycle established by Zimmerman (1998) , in which precaution phase indicates the influential processes and beliefs, such as task analysis and self-motivational beliefs, before efforts are put into learning stage. Expectancy refers to students ' belief in the finishing point of a task, and includes two subcomponents, student view of self-efficacy and control belief for learning. Value, showing the reason for a student to involve in a task, is measured based on three subscales such are intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, and task value beliefs. Furthermore extrinsic goals are about one 's engagement in a task due to outside rewards or benefits, such as grades or approval from others. Task value beliefs refer to one 's judgment about his or her interest in doing a task, or how useful or significant the task is. The affect element is about student emotional feedbacks towards a task, such as student worry or concern for a task, and is measured by the test anxiety scale (Pintrich & De Groot, 1990; Pintrich et al., 1993; Zimmerman, …show more content…

Most of these studies concentrate on the effect of self-regulation on student achievement or performance and exposed that self-regulated learning is positively correlated to achievement in online settings (Chun Kuo 2010). Very limited research focuses on how self-regulation is correlated with student satisfaction. Artino (2002) indicated task value and self-efficacy, which are two mechanisms in motivation construct of self-regulated learning, are paramount positive predictors of students ' overall satisfaction with the online course. Rehearsal, elaboration, meta-cognitive self-regulation, time management, and study environment were determined to have significant positive correlations with the level of satisfaction in the study of Puzziferro (2008). To validate the relationship between self-regulated learning and satisfaction more research is