Dream Theory Summary And Analysis

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During this experiment, I kept track of 15 dreams but recorded 8. This was a challenge at first because I didn't dream very often. Throughout the experiment it became easier to recall and have dreams. Every night before I fell asleep, I would tell myself that I was going to dream, this helped a lot. The dreams I recorded had been inspired by events in the past or thoughts I had that day. This supports my dream theory and gives me evidence to prove it.

When analyzing my dreams, I have noticed trends and similarities between the day I had and the dream I had that night. My first dream I recorded was when I was half awake, I had dreamt that I told Christopher that I wanted to talk about my Dad, and he responded with, “why would you say that?”. …show more content…

I found out that if I have a good day, I sleep better and have a happier dream. I also discovered that it is quite hard to lucid dream, and controlling your dreams, sound like a dream itself. I’ve discovered my fears, hopes and wishes. Something of these things I didn't know about myself until now. I also tend to have a reoccuring dream about me getting injured and not being able to play volleyball which is a huge fear of mine. I truly enjoyed this experiment, even though it showed me the ugly truth about myself.
My dream theory is similar to the information processing theory and part of my own. The information processing theory says that dreams are a review of our daily lives and we create scenarios that we dramatize in our minds. We use information that we have accumulated and our memories. My theory is not only the information processing theory, but I agree with parts of the Activation-Synthesis theory, bizarre dreams can be caused by random firing of neurons in our brain, but that theory does not explain why dreams have a storyline and relate to things we have done that …show more content…

But, my bizarre dream was about me and my brothers girlfriend, Katelyn, we were in a jungle that was really a water park. If I were to try to make sense of this dream, the best explanation I have is that Katelyn and I both love Schlitterbahn and planned to go together sometime. But it just doesn't make sense like the rest. My dreams about my family all go back to my fears of my parents divorce and how I worry about it. The dreams about my boyfriend are irrational fears I have, which are him breaking up with me over something small or miscommunication. I have linked my fear of my parents separation to my fear of christopher and I breaking up. One dream I had included both these issues and I woke up in tears. That night I had a fight with him because he doesn't understand what I'm going through. Once again, this proves my theory