Dred Scott V. Stanford Case Analysis

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A little girl is sitting in a classroom where everyone is wearing white converse, however she is wearing black. Everyone is ignoring her, even the teachers. What is the difference between neglecting people because of the color of their skin or their shoes? Nobody should have to experience any type of judgment. The Civil Rights Act changed this nation immensely. In addition, the act not only almost completely ended racism, but stopped discrimination against religion, gender, and national origin. Many cases led to the Civil Rights Act. The Civil Rights Movement had many powerful cases: Dred Scott v. Stanford, Shelly v. Kraemer, and Loving v. Virginia.

Dred Scott v. Stanford was a valuable case that helped the United States lead to the Civil Rights Movement. In this case, Dred and Harriet Scott sued for their freedom from slavery. Even though this was a successful case, it lasted about eleven years. This case caused a lot of media. Furthermore, slavery was the number one issue in politics in America. Therefore, the Scott's were almost guaranteed to win. The case became more and more popular as it went to the Supreme Court. However, Chief Taney stated that "slaves were not citizens of the United …show more content…

Kraemer, Shelly just wanted to buy a house. They should be able to live in their home in peace. Additionally, Shelley (a black petitioner) bought a home where thirty out of thirty nine of the other members of the neighborhood signed a restrictive convent that stated that "no home was to be sold to any person who was black, which led to the suit by the neighborhood to undo the sale of the property to Shelley." (Shelley vs. Kraemer) The Fourteenth Amendment is about equal protection. Therefore, nobody can prohibit the restrictive boundary where someone else can buy property. In fact, the action of the state court in requiring the precise covenant deprives the petitioner of the rights that is assured by the Fourteenth Amendment and the acts of