Dred Scott Case Research Paper

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"History inevitability", "Dred Scott Case" which is the immediate flashpoint of American Civil War, can be avoided? If you bring a case to the court today, you will get a fair trial, because equality has become a social consensus. However, what would happen if an American slave bought a case to the court for freedom-seek in slavery-legal period? In fact, he had no rights to get freedom for he was not regarded as an US citizen or even a human being. "Dred Scott Case" is not an occasional misunderstanding in that case pronounced by the United Supreme Judicial Court. It is a historical inevitability leaded by many different factors. "Dred Scott Case" is one of the most controversial events in American history.
Dred Scott was an African American black slave born in 1795. He was taken by his master John Emerson, an army surgeon in the United States of America, from the slave state of Missouri to the free state of Illinois and then to the free territory of Wisconsin. He lived there for a long period of time. When the Army ordered his master to go …show more content…

false historical facts to prove his black is not protected by the constitution of citizens of the United States point of view, he put "free blacks" and the black slave confused, set by the federal constitution before and after have a large number of free blacks have become states and in the United States, citizens enjoy certain civil rights and privileges of the fact to disregard, the use of evidence is limited with the laws and regulations of the black slaves and free blacks the right to, rather than a direct definition of Negro citizenship law. Therefore, the black Taney citizenship argument is untenable. In order to deny the power of Congress to restrict the slavery in the United States, he interpreted the "Federal Constitution" in a narrow sense. We can see the fallacy of Taney crystal clear from the Supreme Court justice Benjamin Curtis's