
Dropout In America Essay

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Throughout America and many first world countries, the importance of education is invaluable. For a country to continue to succeed and positively develop, it is necessary for the people to be educated. The more education and skills a person has, the better opportunity they have to obtain a job to contribute to the economy. For this to happen, colleges have been established to present those with the opportunity to learn the skills necessary for a certain field. Unfortunately fifty-six percent of students who begin college in America never finish (Daley). This is a serious problem for it wastes their money and the money of the schools, and it often affects the income levels of individuals by limiting their career. The causes of the high dropout rate of college students are financial reasons, the …show more content…

With these two factors, the prices of the costs for school can be overwhelming to many families. Not only that, but many students’ parents are unable or do not aid their children for tuition fees (Stoessel). Fifty-eight percent of college dropouts said they had no help from their parents compared to thirty-seven percent among the students who graduated (Daley). Through the inability to pay, many are forced to rely upon the financial aid system (Stoessel). Even if students do not have any needs, the majority still rely upon loans (Bers). While students are not required to pay off their loans while they are in college, the average student graduates with about twenty-four thousand dollars of debt (Daley). The high level of debt that many college students graduate with causes them to question if the education will be of greater value than the debt that they are collecting. If someone sees that the income they will receive in future jobs will take many years to pay off, then this becomes very influential in the decision to drop out of college. Because of the monetary struggles for many students throughout America, the deciding factor for continuing college is

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