
Drug Cartel Case Study

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An emerging threat to the United States is a mix of illegal immigration and terrorism. The recently discovered relationship between the Mexican drug cartel and Islamic State in Iraq and Syria is one that should cause a lot of concern to every American citizen. These two elements combining their assets and gaining aid from each other only aids in the funding of drug operations and expands the reach of terrorism.

There are many commonalities between a drug cartel and a terrorist organization. Both organizations utilize horrific tactics such as intimidation, theft, coercion and even murder. The Mexican drug cartel has been known to use extreme tactics to intimidate law enforcement and politicians. In May of 2015 the Cartel shot down a Mexican military helicopter with a rocket propelled grenade, killing 6. Recent tactics of the drug cartel have even gone to the lengths of utilizing car bombs, targeting Police and First Responders. Attacks have been becoming more severe as well …show more content…

The drug cartels primary motive is money. The cartel gets their money through many ways ranging from drug trafficking, human trafficking, prostitution and theft. This is how the relationship has been formed with ISIS. ISIS pays the cartel for their knowledge of negotiating the Mexican border, to gain entry into the United States. The Cartel exerts its strong hand of violence to sway factors their way to ensure they make money and to defeat anything that may get in the way. While the Cartels motive is money, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’s motives are very different. ISIS has the overall goal of creating just as their name states, an Islamic state. They are hardcore believers of the Islamic religion, and go to any extreme limit to disrupt or disturb the "western infidel". If they can create any chaos or injure, kill a non-believer then they believe it is worth their time and

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