Drug Testing For Welfare Essay

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Welfare is a small helping hand from the government, but shouldn’t we make sure that it is being spent efficiently. There is always room for improvement for the way government welfare is distributed to other in need. Welfare needs to have a way of knowing their money is being used appropriately, and not to continue bad habits for some others.
When we think of people who have drug abuse, we think how could you waste that kind of money on something like that. If that person is a welfare recipient, they very well could be using the governments money to support their bad habits. Drug abuse is up to ten percent in the U.S. That is twenty-three million people. Just imagine how many of those people could possibly be using welfare checks to support those addictions. The government is clueless to what the money they give out is spent on. Arizona, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Utah are seven states that require a drug test before allowing a person to receive welfare. There are plenty of people who disagree with the drug testing. They believe it cost too much money and is a waste. Some think it should only be required to those who have a history of drug abuse. Well that’s all good and well, but what is a …show more content…

Those who feel the drug test should be sent to a rehab. The money they could have gotten to use on drugs could be used on rehab instead. When they have been clean they should have a required amount of time before they can re-apply to make sure they have actually changed. This would help drop drug abuse rates, and create some sense of help for those who want to change, but think there is no way. Once they have been cleared to apply for welfare again not only will they have a remarkable story to tell about how their life did a complete three sixty, but we would have a better feeling knowing those people will be spending their government money