Sports Have The Power To Unify A Nation Essay

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1. I believe that sporting events have the power to unify a nation in numerous ways. Although every individual is unique and special, when we come together to support a national team participating in an event, we forget that we are different and we become one nation with an idealistic dream. A dream of uniting for the benefit of our country. We show support and loyalty, there are no differences displayed.
2.1. IMAGE 2- 1995 Rugby World Cup IMAGE 3- 2010 Soccer World Cup IMAGE 4- 2012 Olympic Games in London
2.2. To an extent I believe that these 3 images have created unity in aspects such as racial discrimination, and support from the country as a whole and not just from a group of specific individuals. Image 2 and the event at the time showed a major step in unifying a country destroyed on the grounds of racial discrimination. Nelson Mandela, a black man, and Francois Pienaar, a white afrikaner, display unity and show that race has no …show more content…

No. Drug testing is not a violation of the rights of a sportsperson. When an individual dedicates themselves to take on sport as a profession, they must understand that it comes with rules. Although you as an individual have the right to privacy, you also have the responsibility to remain loyal and fair to other competitors. Therefore drug testing at sporting events is not a violation as the sportsperson understand they have to subject themselves to random testing in order to keep the competition fair for other competitors.
2.2. Yes. Drug testing should be allowed at school level as there are numerous ways in which an individual can enhance their performance without the knowledge of others. Drug testing in schools should definitely be justified as school is a time in which an individual should learn to compete and participate fairly and not have a mindset based solely on winning. The love of the game should come first, not the love of coming first in the