Drug Testing In Sports Essay

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1) Yes. No matter what race, language or religion when a countries national sports team excels the entire nation takes pride in the victory and rejoices together. As with the South African Rugby Team winning the 1995 Rugby World Cup, Nelson Mandela, after being oppressed for his entire life by white Afrikaaners, wore the same number shirt as Francois Pienaar, the white Afrikaaner captain. Putting the past behind him, Mandela showed how the entite nation, regardless of race or past events, should come together and unify behind their team
2.1) The South African Rugby Team winning the 1995 Rugby World Cup.

2.2) After just coming out of the Apartheid era in 1994, winning the World Cup brought the nation together by showing every individual …show more content…

Drug testing at sporting events is the way to ensure that all sportsmen are playing on a equal level and nobody is more advantaged than one another.

2.2) Yes, in todays society parents and coaches want their children/athletes to excel and be the best and they will go to extreme levels to ensure that their child/athletes is the best. They will go as far as giving teens anabolic steroids which can be a serious hazard to the teens health. Drug testing at school level is to ensure that children are not threatening their health as well as to make sure they still remember to have fun with sport.

2.3) No, doping goes against everything that sportsmen stand for. It goes against a persons moral values. Under no circumstance can doping be justified, performance enhancing drugs may only be used in a serious medical situation where the athletes health/life is in danger
2.4) Some athletes have been brought up in a environment where they were taught that they need to win at all costs, no matter what. At the top level of any sport, the marginal advantages decide between winning and loosing so some people who have the mental idea that they must win at all costs are very prone to