Dulce Et Decorum Est By Tim O Brien

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The impact of wars had many ways of protesting like writers writing about the war. People protest wars to demonstrate the dislike they have for the war. The way writers use literary tools like irony, imagery, and structure are ways that they use to express their personal experiences about the war.
Many writers who fought in war, like to use structure in their writing, to show how they felt when writing their article. Now there are a quite few styles that writers write like poems, novel forms, or even in a jumbled format. Wilfred Owens wrote a poem, “Dulce et Decorum Est”, to express his near death experience. Owens organized poem, made it clear on what he was trying to get across. Another form that writers show their protest in structure is in a novel format. Tim O’ Brien used a more laid back structure in “The Things They Carried” telling the audience what items were being used to survive in the war, but also turned a negative to a positive, due to the fact what they had to carry saved their lives. Now the last type of writing is a continuous run on sentence. Kevin Powers the writer of “The Yellow Birds” used one long sentence to express himself and get everything off of …show more content…

When writers use imagery they help the reader give a visualization on what happens during a war. Wilfred Owens uses a lot of imagery to give the readers a clear thought on what was going on. Owen used “Gas! Gas! ” “yelling out and stumbling”, to show how dangerous the war was. Now Tim O’ Brien used imagery to illustrate what things soldiers had to carry. O’Brien added specific things like “steel helmets that weighed 5 pounds” just to give an example on how dangerous it was, even though people were still getting “shot in the head”. The power of imagery can have a very powerful impact on a person like when Kevin Powers gave a strong image on “watching women getting killed” and it just expresses the way the writers protest against the