
Duncan's Coming Down Fall In Macbeth

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In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, Macbeth’s different reactions to the murders he commits reveal his coming down fall. When Macbeth is first introduced in the play he is described as: “for brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name)” (1.2.18). Everyone believes that he is brave and loyal to the king. Unfortunately, when his wife receives his letter revealing the three witches prophecy of Macbeth becoming king. She pressures Macbeth to kill Duncan, which he does. After Duncan’s murder, Macbeth is filled with guilt and he thinks that he hears voices crying, “Sleep no more!/Macbeth does murder sleep” (2.2.43-44). This is where Shakespeare shows the reader Macbeth’s reaction to his first murder, which he is unsure of doing, but follows demands of

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