Duty Of Care Analysis

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Outcome 1 Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice. The learner can: 1. Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role Having a duty of care, basically means that as support staff we are responsible for our clients’ health, safety and wellbeing. In other words, we must make sure our service users’ health and wellbeing come first at all the time. We must provide high quality standards care, make sure our clients not only are healthy and clean and appropriately dressed for the season, but also that they are able to express themselves, and further develop in life. In fact, our duty does not end with the necessities of everyday life, but it goes further, we must insure that our clients’ psychological needs as unique …show more content…

Some of the main dilemmas, in my opinion, develop when our clients want to face situations that might be potentially dangerous for their health and safety, such as going out at night, or dressed in way that is inappropriate for the season for example, or what to use tools that are not suitable for their level of understanding and skills. Others when our clients want to use their money unwisely, or to go out with people that might take advantage, just to name but a few. In all these situations it is fundamental to remember that we are (should not) never alone in supporting our service users and that team work is at the core of any accurate and professional support we provide. In fact, it is always a delicate work, based on knowledge, trust and cooperation, that can help us all dealing with, at least some of the main dilemmas and cooperation with all the professionals involved in the care delivery …show more content…

Describe how to manage risks associated with conflicts or dilemmas between an individual’s rights and the duty of care Team work with other staff members and other professionals, close monitoring of situations, accurate risk assessments and risks taking assessments and good quality PCP, Personal Centred Plans, are the elements that can help any support staff providing a good quality care. Because these are the only, but powerful, tools we must deal with conflicts and dilemmas we might face at work. For example, a client might show possible anorexic or binge-eating symptoms, how can we deal with this situation? First, we should monitor our client’s weight, by keeping records of monthly visits to the local chemist, to get the client’s weight as a form of education to self-care and healthy living. Second, we could help the client buying better quality food products while shopping during the week, and helping them preparing food, following a healthy meal