Dynamic Character In The Crucible

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How john Proctor was a dynamic character in The Crucible and changed throughout the play. He confessed to adultry to try to save his wife. He turned against Abigail even though he didnt want to turn her in at first. He almost confessed to Witchcraft but then changed his mind because he didnt want his family name ruined. Therefore, How john Proctor was a dynamic character in The Crucible and changed throughout the play.

How john Proctor was a dynamic character in The Crucible and changed throughout the play because He confessed to adultry to try to save his wife. He wanted to prove that his wife never lies because the court thought she was lying about not being a witch. He wanted to prove that Abigail and the other girls were just lying to get attention. He wanted Elizabeths forgiveness so he tried to get it to confessing to people and explaining that he knew it was wrong. Therefore, How john Proctor was a dynamic character in The Crucible and changed throughout the play because He confessed to adultry to try to save his wife.

How john Proctor was a dynamic character in The Crucible and changed throughout the play because He wanted to prove that his wife never lies because the court thought she was lying about not being a witch. because The court thought that she was a witch because she had a doll with a sewing needle in the same place that Abigail got stabbed. because The court also thought she was lying about being pregnant. because . Therefore, how john Proctor was a