E Lockhart's We Were Liars

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We Were Liars, a plot twisting young adult novel by Emily Jenkins who's pen name, E Lockhart released a novel in 2014. Introducing readers to a world of a rick, sick girl, forgotten summer, and an falsely idicllic island. Growing up in a family as false as she was; Cadence Sinclair, reveals her life where she suffers from migraines and a rich family, we walk with her as she discovers love and secrets and we fall as she develops herself and shatters apart. “Poor little Cadence Sinclair is wealthy. She is loved. She is one of the Sinclairs, a good-looking "old-money Democrat" family, think the Kennedys, without the political aspirations.” The book is a story of a private island, two boys and two girls decide to take a stand against their oppressive, …show more content…

of a text require’s imagination to come into play. User argues that the focus of literary criticism should not be the meaning of a text, but rather its effect. (Iser, 1942). The implied reader view point was necessary to deconstruct and form a personal opinion the main characters actions, and try to investigates into the secrets of those around …show more content…

It’s a burden. It demands sacrifice” so in a life where money is power, we watch Cadence strive for a power outside money and the sacrifice it demands. At times the book was difficult to understand which is where Iser's theory, the reader actively participates in the production of a text’s meaning - the concretisation(realised). of a text require’s imagination to come into play. User argues that the focus of literary criticism should not be the meaning of a text, but rather its effect. came into play, the book fell into paragraphs that could easily be a confusing metaphor or a poetic description, using this it was hard to keep a firm decision on what was happening, comparing Cadences reactions to emotional distress for example, “…Then he pulled out a handgun and shot me in the chest. I was standing on the lawn and I fell. The bullet hole opened wide and my heart rolled out of my heart and into the flower bed. ..It tasted like salt and failure. The bright red shame of being unloved soaked the grass in front of our