Cosmetic Ear Cropping Banned By B. C. Veterinarians

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Article Title: Cosmetic ear cropping banned by B.C. Veterinarians
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This article talks about how the province of B.C. has made it illegal to crop dog’s ears. The registered of the B.C. Veterinary College feels that ear cropping is an unnecessary procedure that is only needed when it involves injury or illness. They also stated that ear cropping has negative effects on canine behaviour and communication. The move is strongly supported by the B.C. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Any vets still offering ear cropping services will face disciplinary action from the veterinary college, as well as possible charges. The Canadian Kennel Club …show more content…

Dogs communicate primarily through body language, which means they use their ears and tails to communicate. Ear cropping or tail docking is not only cruel to the animal, but affects their ability to communicate properly. Both procedures require amputation and removal of part of the dog’s body. For ear cropping the puppy’s ears are literally cut and reshaped through cosmetic surgery. After the surgery the puppy has wounds with several stiches all around the incision site. The wounds are sore and down the road stich removal can also cause pain. Then after being subjected to the pain of the surgery, the puppy is then forced to have their ears taped above their head for 4-6 months, so that the cartilage and muscle will be “trained” to keep the ears standing on their own. Some puppies end up with infections and other complications that require a second surgery. Dog’s ears are very sensitive, so don’t kid yourself, these puppies are in pain. Being the owner of three Rottweilers, a breed which normally has its tail docked, I can attest to the fact that these practices do interfere with the dog’s communication abilities. I currently have two dogs with docked tails and one with her natural tail. I had a much easier time learning the personality of my dog with the natural tail because I could see when she was scared (tail tucked in between her legs), being dominant (tail held up) or just playful and friendly (tail wagging quickly from side to

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