Early Release Day Research Paper

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A usual early release wednesday could have potentially escalated into a ghastly pit of false courage. Though I had it all planned in my head, it all went dreadfully wrong. It seemed so fast, and unreal as it all unfolded. On a humid dry, ordinary day, my cockiness got the best of me, I messed up horribly even with confidence on my side. This event has instructed me to calm down and stop being a daredevil. This wednesday, a early release day, I took the bus home, and as we neared my house I saw the usual Mercedes parked out in our driveway. But it wasn't until I got to my door and said "hello" but got no reply, implying that nobody was home. So I went and got the keys to the Mercedes. I called my parents ahead of time just to make sure they wouldn't be home at the time that I was taking the Mercedes. My mom said they'd be home in about "two hours", "perfect" I said in my head. After hanging up I immediately started up the Mercedes and took off. It was an easy drive around the neighborhood, until I saw a promising curvy turn and decided to go 40 mph in a stupid attempt to drift. I ended up hitting the sidewalk, smashing the bumper, I'm practically parked in someone's yard at this point. Panicking, I frantically back up and drive back home, making sure to park the car as I found it. …show more content…

I must realize that every action has a reaction. The thing that I can't seem to realize is the reaction, I just focus on the action, due to my cockiness that nothing bad will happen. I just need to calm down, like the other people. I need to stay calm and don't rush with things because sometimes, I can get over myself and surpass my limits. I just wanted to drive a car, because my parents doubt me, and think I can't drive, well I proved them wrong in one aspect, but just got a minor mess