Earth Science: Research Notes And Annotated Bibliography

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Yr. 9 Earth Science Term 4
Research Notes and Annotated Bibliography

Name: Rhys Bodel

Research Questions

Your notes and annotated bibliography will need to be printed off and submitted on the due date.

Research Qu 1: What is the Internal structure of the Earth and what are the features of each of the sections?

Sources Notes • Outer part: crust o Rocky o Keeps the heat produced from the internal structure of earth from escaping o Broken into seven plates
 sometimes move which causes folding or faulting o Two types of crust
 Continental crust
• Made of granite
• Buoyant
 Ocean crust
• Made of basalt
• Middle part: mantle …show more content…

Who is the author or authoring body? Why is this source relevant and reliable?

This source was helpful because it explained the second type of seismic waves, and the type of wave that causes the shaking in an earthquake and how. The authoring body of this source is UPSeis. This source was relevant to my research investigation because seismic waves are the reason that scientists know what the internal structure of the Earth is, and knowing how they work is very important. This source was reliable because it was from the Michigan Technological University.

Research Qu 6: What problems do scientists face when drilling into the earth?

Sources Notes • Crust is very thick, so drilling in the ocean would be required (thinner)

• The further you drill, the higher the temperature o Can reach up to 1050 degrees Fahrenheit
 Lead to most modern drill parts ending up …show more content…

On top of this it described how each of the sections of Earth (crust, mantle and core) affects each other. This source is reliable for the author is a professor in earth sciences at the university of Melbourne, the best university in Australia according to the ‘Australian education network’. This source was very useful for it explained what the internal structure of the Earth is in detail. This information will be used at the beginning of my essay to explain what scientists today believe the internal structure of the Earth is.

2. National Science Founadtion. (n.d.). How do scientist know about the different Earth layers if they can't go there? Retrieved October 19, 2014, from UCSB Science Line:
This website explains how scientists know what the internal structure of the earth is without going there. This source was reliable because it was came from the university of California, the number 1 university in the world for science and mathematics. This source was useful to my assignment because it explained the reason that scientists know the internal structure of the earth without being able to go there. I will use this information in my second point of my essay; what is the theory of the internal structure of the Earth.

3. What is Seismology. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2014, from UPSeis: