Eating Disorders Affecting Teenagers

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There are many types of eating disorders that can affect teenagers in our society. Body image, parental ideals, social behavioral problems can all lead to teenage eating disorders and cause grave effects on their health. People who suffer from an eating disorder are constantly watching what they eat and how much they eat in order to keep control of their body image. The health effects of anorexia nervosa in this population are significant and worsen coexisting illnesses, sometimes hastening death. (Allen et al., p.810). Also being “perceived as overweight in childhood may contribute to heightened eating, weight, and shape concern in early adolescence” (Allen et al., p.810). There are many things surrounding the topic of eating disorders …show more content…

Disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and overeating. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa predominantly affect adolescent and young adult females. However, they can also occur in males and the elderly, and binge-eating disorder occurs more frequently in males. (Allen et al., 2014, p.810). Even though the percentage of people with eating disorders is low, it still continues to be a major and severe problem. A survey was done with a grade 12 class to find out if body image affects eating habits. It was proven that less people are worried about their body image and that male are less focused on their body image than females …show more content…

Many people who are insecure with their body image are affected by the media. Teens and adults have hopes and dreams of looking like the people in the media which is where most eating disorders begin to ruin lives in today’s world. “Eating disorders affect up to 6% of young adult males and 15% of young adult females”(Allen, Byrne, Oddy, Schmidt,& Crosby, 2014, p.802). The common question that is asked about eating disorders is how does it start? Eating disorders usually happen for many different reasons. Most disorders occur because of what is viewed in the media. People with an eating disorder are uncomfortable with their weight and how they are viewed by others which leads them to limit their food portions or sometimes not eat at all. It is very common for people to think an eating disorder is about people being very skinny and underweight, but it can also be the other way around. Transitions are also the common cause for an eating disorder such as moving, new job, relationship/breakup which can bring emotional