
Eating Disorders In Teens Of Anorexia And Bulimia

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Do you ever wonder how it feels to worry about every calorie you eat? Most people with anorexia and bulimia could tell you. These illness are getting out of control and victims urgently need to seek help. These victims are destroying themselves, not only physically but mentally. They are also withdrawing themselves from their loved ones.
Anorexia and bulimia are very common in teens between 13 and 17 years old. During these ages teens are going through puberty and pressures from coaches, teachers, and from families expecting too much from them. Girls are more likely to be a victim, according to the National Comorbidity Survey Republican Study (“Eating Disorder”). The countries that have higher statistics of eating disorders are North America …show more content…

Food was made to enjoy and get your nutrients from it. People with bulimia sometimes eat uncooked food and food from the trash out of control. As if they were obsessed with food but then they end up making themselves vomit. That is not the answer. These kinds of foods could cause illness because it’s raw and then in the trash there’s bacteria. Also forcing themselves to vomit so much their stomachs won’t be accepting any foods anymore. Each time they try to eat they’ll end up throwing it up. Then we have anorexia, victims lie to their health care provider and family members of how much they’ve eaten. Victims try to convince them that nothing is wrong. They deny that they are thin and resist treatment. They feel as if they look fat when they look at themselves in the mirror. They dislike themselves. Most think that people that are trying to help them are just trying to make them fat. They don’t realize how they are threatening their …show more content…

Researchers have noticed that usually teens that have over protective parents and parents who have high expectations from their children leads teenagers to an eating disorder. Sometimes teens that are going through overly high stressed experiences or having a low self-esteem are causes. Also many of the victims suffer from depression. Some lead to alcohol or drugs. Which most are more likely to commit suicide (“Eating Disorder”). Sometimes teen’s personalities can lead them to an eating disorder (“Eating

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