Eating Disorders In The United States Essay

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Eating Disorders in the United States 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some time in their life. Three issues Americans face in 2017 are anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders Something that could help is going to a counselor or doctor One major threat the U.S faces is people suffering from eating disorders. In the article “Get the facts on Eating Disorders” it states that “In the united states, 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some time in their life.” Another issue is girls start worrying about the shape of their body or how much they weigh around the age 6-12. A solution for this would be for people to go to treatment centers to get help and instead of advertising all kinds of things about people losing weight, they should start advertising accepting people for how they are. One might say...people who own magazines might say they just want the magazine to look they best they can, but what they don’t realize is when people who are ashamed of their body see a magazine with people who are as skinny as a sticks on it, it makes them feel bad about themselves . While the North Korean dictator is threatening the United States and its allies, another issue is obesity. …show more content…

faces is obesity, which has grown significantly in the last 20 years. In the article “Eating disorders” it states that people think eating disorders are a choice, but they’re actually serious illnesses that cause serious disruptions to a person’s eating behaviors. A solution to people with eating disorder illnesses is they could go to treatment and get help. One might say...people who don’t understand about eating disorders might say is they're the ones who choose not to eat but what they don’t understand is when people with an eating disorder eat it can make them feel upset or depressed about