Eating Meat Analysis

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How to Beat the Meat: On Becoming a Vegetarian
“We perhaps know more than we care to admit, keeping it down in the dark places of our memory-disavowed. When we eat factory-farmed meat we live, literally, on tortured flesh. Increasingly, that tortured flesh is becoming our own.” Jonathan Safran Foer wrote these strikingly true words in his book entitled Eating Animals, and we must honestly face the reality that we have, in fact, become a tortured people. We move through life blindly, making unconscious decisions about everything, from whom we associate with, to what we eat. Our diets have turned us into a society of overweight, chronically ill zombies, who are desperately in search of the next big cure. What many of us are collectively coming to realize is that there truly is NO cure out there. Sacrifices must be made, …show more content…

If you are, like me, and buy your meat from the grocer, and call it beef and chicken, when you should in reality refer to it as the rotting flesh of cows and chickens, you should just go pick apples and harvest your garden, because that is who you are. We are not all carnivores by nature, despite popular belief. There is no judgement to those hunters who set out to feed their families. However, in the modern age, is this even a necessity? We live in a world where we can earn whatever we want. Why do we still want to the food that was only necessary for our ancestors to sustain life. It is obvious that we need to have the same morality that they only dreamed was possible. We are a blind, unconscious civilization in need of a reality check. It begins here, with you and with me.
The most important benefit of leaving behind the “habit” of meat is the improvement of the overall health of our citizens. This cannon be stressed enough. In the academic