Ecological Responsibility In Linkage With Social Justice

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Ecological responsibility in linkage with social justice is what the world needs now. Healthy earth community requires advocacy and action on urgent environmental issues in ways that connect with struggles for social and economic justice. “Eco-justice” envisions and values both ecology and justice, since there will be little achievement of environmental health without movement toward socio-economic justice, and vice versa. Eco-justice seeks justice for both the natural environment and human community. To be precise it encourages us to have respects, values, loves and cares about all life. It intimately integrates the principles of respect for life and justice. So, we as human being have the responsibility to promote the common …show more content…

It's difficult to think of people of future generation as real people. When we allow coal companies to blow the tops off of mountains to get to the last remnants of coal beds, we are not just destroying God's creation; we are threatening the lives of real people who may be poisoned by the pollution of Appalachian streams for centuries to come. We are making the earth inhabitable for future generations of real people. When we accept nuclear energy as an alternative source of clean energy, we will be creating mountains of radioactive wastes that may threaten the health of people for as long as there are people left on …show more content…

The Earth Charter contains sixteen main principles grouped in four sections which are respect and care for the community of life, biological integrity, social and economic justice and democracy, non-violance and peace. Then, the sixteen principles are expanded to 61 clauses most of which are unmistakably challenging. These sub-principles invite the exploration of action oriented axioms. For instance, 7f exhorts the adoption of lifestyles that emphasise the quality of life and material sufficiency in a finite world, which in turn suggests to an individual, a government or even a body like a university, use of the ecological footprint to calculate an appropriate use of non renewable resources according to the norm of eco justice, so that human consumption remains within Earth