
Biomimetic Worldview: The Wonders Of Creation By Boorse

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Biomimetic Worldview For centuries, mankind has been intrigued by the wonders of the natural world. By God, people have been granted the luxury of observing vast sensations of the natural world such as landscapes, colors, and animals. However, these sensations were not meant to be solely regarded as art. Instead, God had intended for these marvels to serve as a model. A model that will function as a blueprint for mankind to follow. This blueprint will enable mankind to flourish throughout generations by providing them with clues on how to overcome countless adversities. This blueprint will also demonstrate techniques that man can use in their daily lives to make their life easier. In my perspective, nature is the key to a more sustainable …show more content…

She points out several reasons why people, especially Christians, should be in favor of science. She mentions that science is about expressing curiosity, understanding the world, and solving problems. By having the curiosity for understanding the world around us, science is honoring God. As a Christian, I have always been shocked at the number of Christians that have an unfavorable view of science. I admit that science can do some questionable and immoral things, but the intentions are never to hurt anyone in any way. Science, in my opinion, has always been about finding out the unknown, finding cures, and solving problems. Science, in the realm of biomimicry, furthers the agenda of Genesis 1:28. Genesis 1:28 talks about that how man should take care of the land that God has left them. In 1 Corinthians 10:31, the bible mentions how man should perform in ways that will be pleasing and honoring to God. So, when I read the two verses together, I see that God is telling man that He wants us to make wise choices in governing the land. In a way, God is pushing mankind to live in a world where people and nature are living in harmony. For instance, man driving cars and burning fossil fuels leads to a negative result- carbon dioxide emissions. However, if people would practice biomimicry like Pearce and Carfrae did when they built their buildings, nothing bad will happen. There will be no consequences. By God giving man a functional mind, man should be able to employ methods of how to effectively take care of the earth. Biomimetics is the way that God intended for people to function on the earth with the environment. God has set the earth to where man must rely heavily on nature for cures, shelter, and food. Since science is the only way for a person to solve a problem, one cannot disregard it. Like how a person cannot dismiss how much nature or the

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