Economic Inequality In Brazil Essay

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Why Start With Economic Inequality And How

“Human rights are not only violated by terrorism, repression or assassination, but also by unfair economic structures that creates huge inequalities”. This is what Pope Francis stated considering the issue of economic inequality. The issue of inequality itself is broad, since it includes social inequality, gender inequality, political (legal) inequality, and economic inequality, which is also recognized as income inequality. Promoting equal opportunities for economic advancement to all people by improving regulations of the financial markets, encouraging official development assistance, strengthening the social safety net, as well as providing education to entire populations is the key to solving the issue of inequality because income inequality is the main form of inequality people face. …show more content…

As a developing country, Brazil is famous for the social and economic inequality existing within its society. However, when looking at the Brazilian society closely, you can see that those two different forms of inequalities are actually strongly linked together. Although the blacks fill all the undesirable positions and receive lowest educations in the Brazilian society, the Brazilian people, as a matter of fact, were not prejudice and unjust to all their Afro-descendants as they are seemed to be. Almost all Afro-Brazilians are descendants of liberated slaves who are not provided with the educational and fiscal opportunities to ever get out of poverty in their whole lives. Therefore, it is the economic inequality that creates the visible disparity between darker skinned Brazilians and their white counterparts. On the good side, this means that the situation can be improved just by modifying the economic and social structure, and providing equal opportunities for economic advancements to all