Ecumenical Council Importance

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Ioana Handaric

Course: History of Christian Theology - 1
Professor: Otniel Bunaciu

TCMI Institute
Heiligenkreuz, Austria

The reasons for and the importance of the ecumenical councils of the church

The Ecumenical councils of the church have played a crucial role in defining its creeds and dogmas. They are among the “turning points” of the history of Christianity. The definition of Christian doctrines was the result of intense debates and theological battles against heresies. The period of the ecumenical councils is one of the “two great eras of theological controversy in the history of the church” when the basic teaching of the church …show more content…

It was held in the year 325 and it marked the beginning of new era for Christianity. Its importance is designated by the theological issues debated and by the fact that political factors were involved. It was a council summoned by the roman emperor Constantin who presided it. The doctrinal question debated was Christological. The council settled a controversy originated by a bishop called Arius who said that Jesus “was a creature adopted in divinity” . The Nicaea Creed proclaimed that the Son, Jesus Christ, 'God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made,' is 'consubstantial' with the …show more content…

Constantinople condemned the view of Apollinarius who, concerning the natures of Christ, stressed the deity of Christ but minimized His humanity.

The council of Ephesus, 430 CE
This council was called because of Nestorius, the patriarch of Constantinople from 428 to 431. He went to the other extreme in comparison with Apollinarius and emphasized humanity of Christ. He disliked the term theotokos (God-bearer) and suggested the use of the name Chrisostokos (Mary was only the mother of the human side of Christ) for Mary the mother of Jesus. Cyril of Alexandria together with the other representants of Ephesus council condemned Nestorie’s view. The council “formulated the doctrine of the 'hypostatic union' of the two natures in Christ and Mary was acknowledged as Mother of God” . It was stated that “ Jesus Christ was ~ perfect God and perfect man, consisting of a rational soul and