Document Study 1, Ignatius of Antioch
Ignatius of Antioch is also called Ignatius Theophoros, meaning “God Bearer” (Greek). He was the second Bishop of Antioch in Syria at the time of his arrest- 107A.D. He is mainly known from seven highly regarded letters that he wrote during a trip to Rome, as a prisoner condemned to be executed for his belief and is believed to have died c.110, in Rome by martyrdom during Trajan’s reign (AD. 98-117).
His writings to the congregation at Smyrna and Philadelphia were delivered by Burrhus in relation to the unity of the church at Smyrna which had been endangered by the presence of the Docetic heresy warning the church against associating with these heretics who had neglected the practical duties of Christianity. In his letter to Christians at Smyrna, Ignatius acknowledges the Christian’s faith to God
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He applauds the faith of the Christians to Christ Jesus and the unity that is bound with love by the blood of Jesus Christ, encouraging the Christians to keep on in their faith. He then turns around to warn then against being trapped by those who don’t march into their faith. But while avoiding them, Ignatius encourages the Christians to continue praying for those against their faith. He cautions the Christians at Smyrna against boasting on their positions but instead take note that faith and love are to be their only preferences. Further on in his letter, Ignatius directs the Christians at Smyrna, to pay their attention to the prophets and much more to the gospel as in it comes up a clear picture of the passion and the real happening of the resurrection is seen. Drawing Jesus’ obedience to His Father, Ignatius invites the Christians to follow their Bishops as they represent the presence of God. They are the focus of affection in the church. The Bishops are too identified as the overseers of all the