Edgar Allan Poe Influences

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¨I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.¨(brainyquote.com) Most poets portray a happy and exciting theme, entertaining the reader with lighthearted plots. Poe stood out in his work,unlike other authors of his day, he chose a more eccentric theme. Most people know his work for the sadness he could communicate through his amazingly detailed literature. In Poe’s, Tell Tale Heart, the feeling of dread and suspense is felt heavily, as he describes a murder of an old man, and the anxious madness of the killer. All of Poe’s work holds significance to readers, revered for his style of writing. Edgar Allen Poe’s life began on January 19th, 1809. In the care of his parents, Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe, and David Poe Jr in Boston. Poe led a dreary path throughout his life, influencing his writing style heavily. At an early age Edgar’s father, David, abandoned the family, leaving Elizabeth with their 3 children. Later Elizabeth died, leaving her children to be separated and sent away to other families. Poe was adopted by a tobacco family, John Allan and Frances Allan his wife. Poe was accepted into the University of Virginia, but a crippling addiction to gambling and alcohol, accumulated a large debt of …show more content…

Poe used a recurring theme of dread, sorrow, hopelessness, suspense, and mystery, in his poems/tales. This gave Edgar a sort of reputation, for being sad, or dreary author. Edgar’s early years were plagued with mishappenings. By the time Poe was 3 years old, his parents had died from tuberculosis, and he was sent to live with another family, separated from his siblings. Small beginnings of Edgar’s writing career could be found on the ledgers of his family’s tobacco business. Edgars venture into another genre, allowed him to write stories that have stood the test of time. Theory might not carry the cheerful motif but they do teach a reader to watch and observe the side you don't usually