Educ 5010: Education In Context

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University of the People
EDUC 5010: Education in Context
Dr Brian Stevens
July 2023

Educational philosophy is an essential aspect of teaching, guiding classroom practice. One such educational philosophy that speaks to me is progressivism. Progressivism is an educational philosophy emphasising the importance of teaching students to think critically, creatively, and independently. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of progressivism, its relevance to my viewpoint, and how it impacts my classroom practice.
Progressivism Philosophy
Progressivism is an educational philosophy emphasising the importance of experiential learning, individuality, and student-centred learning. It is based on the belief that knowledge …show more content…

Teachers should act as facilitators, guiding students to discover knowledge for themselves. Progressivism encourages teachers to create an environment where students can learn from their experiences and connect to their personal lives (Kilpatrick, 1918).
Progressivism emphasises students’ individuality, recognising that each student is unique and has their learning style, pace, and interests. Therefore, the curriculum should be tailored to meet the individual needs of each student. In addition, progressivism stresses the importance of social interactions, collaboration, and real-world experiences in learning (Dewey, 1938).
Relevance to Personal Viewpoint
As an educator, I strongly believe in the progressivism philosophy. Students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process and can explore their interests and passions. Students should be encouraged to think critically and creatively, and they should be given the tools to solve problems on their own.
Students should be taught to be independent thinkers, able to make decisions and think for themselves. Progressivism emphasises the importance of individuality, which I value as an educator. Each student is unique and should be allowed to learn in a way best suited to their needs and abilities.
Impact on Classroom …show more content…

As an educator, progressivism is a relevant and impactful philosophy. It guides my classroom practice and helps me create a learning environment that is engaging, meaningful, and relevant to my student’s lives. By embracing progressivism, I can help my students reach their full potential and become independent thinkers who can positively impact the world around them.
The impact of progressivism on classroom practice is significant. It encourages teachers to create a learning environment relevant to students’ lives emphasising problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. It also encourages teachers to use various teaching strategies consistent with progressivism, such as inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, and project-based learning. Finally, it promotes using technology to support student learning (Kirschner & van Merriënboer, 2013).
Progressivism is an educational philosophy that has stood the test of time. It has been used to guide classroom practice for many years and is effective in helping students learn and grow. As educators, we are responsible for embracing progressivism and creating a learning environment that is engaging, meaningful, and relevant to our student’s lives.