Course Number (EDUC 505) Assignment Number (WA0: Diagnostic Writing)
Developing writing skills
Nurkhan Omarbekov
In this essay the author will try to summarize and make connections between articles, that were given with a purpose to analyze. First article, which has been written by Brockbank, A. & McGrill, I. “What is learning? – A review of Learning Theories”. The issue includes range of research approaches, categories of learning, learning strategies and stages and levels of learning. The article reveals the issue of the critical transformatory impact on higher education and how the learners could become reflective learners. Which is closely connected to the to the main purpose of the course, as it was indicated in the syllabus, is to improve critical and collaborative skills needed to be an educational leader.
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& Sorchinelli, M.D. “How to enhance Learning by using High-Stakes and Low-Stakes Writing”. This article describes the differences between high stakes, middle stakes and low stakes, including issues of assessment and relations to the plagiarism from the perspective of the faculty members. The main points of the article are: (i) digestibility of information would be better using both types of assignments; (ii) students improve their writing abilities using more short assignments; (iii) the most valid way to assess the student coursework is using the multi-criterion grid. The main points of the article banded together with the Syllabus EDUC 505. During the Academic English course all the students will do writing assignments, before preparing the final draft they will do it several times writing short essays, and will comment on two peer essays, and they writing assignment will be graded by the multi-criterion grid, which was send by the course instructor earlier. The article demonstrates that during the course student will use two powerful ways to improve their writing and learning