
Education In The United States Essay

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Education in the United States has been a beneficial factor for children for the last 200 years. It is prioritized that children must be taught the three R’s in a school setting. “Some district schools and old-field schools offered older children a smattering of grammar, geography, and other subjects, but generally students were occupied with reading, writing, and arithmetic” (Kaestle, Carl E. pg.17). In the 18th century, education was becoming a revolutionary movement that helped children be taught the important keys to help them in careers. The founding fathers were concerned about the republic turning into anarchy so they hoped for the creation of a republic. It was perceived that Education would be important to demonstrate …show more content…

“Women were rarely employed in the rural South in the early national period and were still a minority in northern district schools…” (Kaestle, Carl E. pg.20). In education, it is important that male and female teachers to be included in schools when it comes to teaching children. Discrimination of sex in the school workplace is completely unacceptable. Another key component of education is the diversity of gender in the school environments. “Many elementary schools in the north admitted girls for the first time in the late eighteenth century, although access was often limited and segregated (kaestle, Carl e. pg. 28). There were not a lot of integrated gender schools in the mid 1700’s. On 1766, schools in Massachusetts finally starting to let girls enroll. School funding was poorly handled in the 18th century, District schools were closely linked to communities by being affordable and under control. Parents in the communities had the power in the early rural education. “These communities controlled their schools in ways that would become impossible as regulation became more centralized and teachers more professional” (Kaestle, Carl E. pg.22). This proves that the families of the children were in full authority when it came to resources that would be used in

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