Education Inequality Along Racial Lines Essay

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Evaluating Education Inequality Along Racial Lines
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The cultural diversity exhibited by America attributed to several variables such as gender, ethnicity, race and class poses a great danger to our social order. This diversity should be analyzed to uncover the inequalities within the society. Inequalities along racial lines should forever be a topic until fairness is achieved. The United States education system tends to be biased as students receive unequal learning opportunities basing on social status and race. This portrays unequal distribution of resources. More often than not, individuals who are considered marginalized tend to be deprived access to institutions with abundant resources. The position where one is born in should not determine how far they go in life. Although it is difficult to eradicate inequality, education is still very essential to the progress of the society.

Differing theories on the role of education …show more content…

The conformists view, a functionalist viewpoint tends to focus on ways that education serves a person and society at large. Basing on this theory, education is seen as a vital tool crucial for an individual to succeed. The benefits are seen through division of students by performance. In adherence to the theory, the society channels the most capable people, by merit, into the most important occupations. In the same line, the more qualified a person is in terms of education, the more hardworking they are deemed to be. They therefore have an upper hand in securing the top jobs. Going by this theory, those with little or no education tend to be highly disadvantaged in job acquisition and