Annotated APA Citations
Camhi, B. (2014). White privilege: Made in the USA. Stanford Review. Retrieved from This source discusses the advantages White Americans have in the United States, in general and in the workplace. It includes statistics of people with high professions, showing Black Americans with numbers nowhere near as high as other groups. The source also compares different groups’ socioeconomic statuses and their possible educational opportunities. There is a section that discusses privilege regarding race, gender, sexuality, and disabilities. Additionally, there is a section that focuses on the factors that contribute to the privilege problem in the United States,
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A., & Tetreault, M. K. (2009). Diversity and Privilege. Academe, 95(1), 17-20.
This article discusses how diversity within students in universities and diversity within the faculty lead to a more beneficial and genuine learning experience. In the beginning of the article, it allows the reader to familiarize themselves with the topic of diversity in schools and institutions by providing background information. It also goes in-depth by discussing the historical events that are considered the initial phase of diversification, such as the student sit-ins, federal legislation, and the civil rights and women’s movements. Additionally, the authors of the article support their thesis with facts, such as how the number of white women and minorities employed as faculty is growing.
I intend on using this source to support my thesis and argument. The article has good, solid facts and straightforward information that would benefit my paper. Although there is some bias from the authors in regards to supporting diversity, I do not consider that it takes away from the accuracy or content of the article. The authors support their views with facts from current events from the time it was written, as well as historical
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See no evil: Color blindness and perceptions of subtle racial discrimination in the workplace. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 20(4), 499-507.
This article is intended to provide its audience strictly with facts. It examines relationships between the three dimensions of color-blind attitudes (racial privilege, institutional discriminations, and blatant racial issues), as well as the perceptions employees have regarding racial aspects in their workplace with people of distinct backgrounds and races. The information gathered and the facts within the article show that certain races, such as white Americans, endorse color blindness as blatant racial issues more than members of other ethnic minority groups.
I intend on using this source to assist my topic and follow it as an example. The results from the examinations and the information gathered relate to my topic well, and will help with supporting my argument. The article agrees with my thesis, since it has information and evidence on how racial privilege does affect the workplace, whether it is intentional or not. The information the article provides about improving the working environment will assist me when I discuss the ways to limit the advantage certain races have on