Net Race Neutral Summary

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In “Net (Race) Neutral: An Essay on How GPA + (reweighted) SAT - Race = Diversity,” Christine Goodman illustrates the opposing viewpoints in regards to the racial discriminatory efforts by the college institutions to help diversify the incoming freshman class. With this, Goodman provides statistics and opinions of experts on the matter, which includes comparison of such discriminatory acts against other institutions. To begin, she brings up an enlightening, yet controversial court case decision: Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin (2013). This court case demonstrates significance to this topic because it counteracts a previous court case, Grutter v. Bollinger (2003), which, “upheld diversity as a compelling interest that would justify narrowly …show more content…

I agree with her on many of the key points that she notes in the essay. One of which included diversity being an important aspect of higher education. In my opinion, diversity allows for students to understand other cultures and gain further insight as to how some cultures may differ. Particularly, it is very important to understand why certain people behave a certain way. For example, why do certain Muslim females not look males in the eyes? Why do Jewish people do things right to left? As humans, we tend to judge others of different cultures way too easily, and with further insight, the amount of judgment passed would diminish. Goodman’s credential is very impressive, making everything that she noted credible. She is currently a law professor at Pepperdine University who graduated from Harvard College and Stanford Law College and has written many works that has the overarching theme of diversity and affirmative action. In addition, she is speaking about this as a black woman, which is one of the most disadvantageous role in society, compared to a white male. In the essay, she footnotes around 70 citations, which includes statistics. Her argument is very well structured and persuasive, considering that she looks at the bigger picture of both sides of the issues. Her arguments do not impose any fallacies, as she bases her arguments off of factual information, such as the statistics. Overall, her essay provided very-well crafted information that could be used to affirm or rebut cases involving racial discrimination during the college admissions