Essay On Educational Technology

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Definition of educational technology/ what is educational technology
Striking meaning of educational technology
Education technology is widely known as the evaluation, development and application of techniques, aids and systems in order to improve processes that involves human learning. It can also be stated as the ethical practice and study of improving performances and facilitating learning by managing, creating and using accurate technological resources and processes. The main attention if on the tremendous effect of the processes to understand certain influences of technology capturing learners mind and attracting the well established organizations.
What does it prepares one for?
Being a part of academic discipline, the brief and dedicated study of education technology prepares the individuals by pushing and helping them achieve a deeper and vigilant understanding making them masters of;
- Processes for devising and analyzing solutions to real or technological problems through theory, production, research, design, utilization and evaluation
- Learning resources that widely include people, messages, devices, materials, settings and techniques
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Devotion in objectives;
Educational technology puts forward the opportunity of learning various techniques and methods for writing objectives in the behavioral terms for example RCEM approach. The requirements of people as well as education needs to be revised thoroughly, from minute to minute. Educational technology is helpful as it fixes up the objectives at the time of changed environment and changed circumstances.
2. Makes the teaching process purposive
Educational technology helps improving the teaching and learning process making it more credible and purposive. It struggles to elaborate the idea of teaching, variables involved in teaching, analysis of the teaching process, ranks of teachings, rules of teachings and the most important relationship of learning and