Effect Of Word Length Effect

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Name: Akshada Wavekar ROLL NO: 44 MA PART I SEMESTER I

Do visual cues influence the word length effect
In this experiment we tested the hypothesis that the length of words and the visual cues will have an significant impact on the recall scores of the particiapant. It is suggested that the words with visual cues tends to remember better than only the words. It is because pictures receive more extensive semantic processing than do words (Intraub & Nicklos, 1985; Nelson et al., 1977; Smith & Magee, 1980; Weldon & Roediger, 1987; Weldon, Roediger, & Challis, 1989); therefore, pictures benefit from deeper or more elaborate levels of processing (Craik & Lockhart, 1972). This experiment was conducted to see whether the visual cues affect the later recall or not.
Keywords: visual cues, length of words, semantic processing,
Word length effect
Word length effect is the finding that list of short words (eg: cat, boat, pear, etc) are recalled better than list of long words(eg: hovercraft, ensemble, accomplish, etc) Lewandowsky & Farrell (2008).
I)Mackworth (1963) found that