identify hosting and guest conditionsBy the nature of human being are competitive and ambitious for his to performance in sports. Not only every men but every nation wants to show his best challenging opponent. Anxiety is a part of sports among all the athletes. In competitive sports, mental preparation of an athlete’s or a team’s is as much important. In modern competitive sports the athletes and team sports are prepared not only play the game, but also win the games and winning the game is not only depends upon the skills, tactics, physical fitness and knowledge of rules of game which bring victory but more important is the mental preparation. Anxiety is an unpleasant state of inner disorder, after accompanied by nervous behaviour, such as pacing back and forth, somatic complaints and rumination. Anxiety is not the same as fear which is response to a real, which is a response to real or perceived immediate threat you would hard to find doesn’t react in some way to immanent competition. This is only possible through scientific, systematically and planned sports training as well. Anxiety is non-specific response of the body to the demand made upon it .When the problem present everyday life go beyond our resources for coping with them. The …show more content…
There are different forms of anxiety like nervousness, tension, fear, panic. It is difficult to detect and define level of anxiety in player. However, anxiety may- Somatic or cognitive anxiety. Anxiety is one of the most common deterrents to good performance. At worst the effect of the anxiety gets the athlete so tied up in knots that he is frozen in fear. At best anxiety subtly impairs performance by distracting the attention. The purpose of the study was to compare the anxiety levels of individual sports and team