Effects Of Imperialism In Avatar

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Have People ever thought about different color people? Have people ever wonder about slaves and how they were treated? Think about adults, children, and baby hands piling up. For example, people color like blue, green, and purple. Well there is something known as blue people. This came about in 2009 and directed by James Cameron. In 1870s policy or practice for government control called imperialism that control regions, with a negative impact, and was disturbed through the movie Avatar by resources, military, and how humans were portrayed. Imperialism started in Africa in 1870s. Africa was a new country being discovered and was wanted by all the humans. It started over the resources. This resources in include the following items: gold, diamonds, rubber, ivory, palm oil, cotton, and groundnut also know has peanuts. Next was through the military. In Africa the military consisted of combination of Army and Navy. Then it lead to was how people were portrayed. Humans were portrayed by the following: slaves, something called the white burdens, and culture differences. This was all over humans wanted government power. The last thing is in Africa people were known as missionaries; who attempted to convert the natives to Christianity, teach natives, and provide health care. This is how imperialism was started in Africa. …show more content…

It started when Jake Sully went to be a Avatar to find out more about him for people on Pandora. This was Sully one mission. When humans on Pandora found out that he was telling the Avatars that Pandora was coming. Pandora had to get revenge and Pandora want the unobtainium. Boom!, Pandora started to blow up Avatar which were like the slaves. Pandora did succeed for a little bit, but Sully wasn’t going to give up. Sully got all the Avatars together so Avatar could fight back and not give up. This is the scene that shows imperialism in